Lost…on a sea of tumult and chaos,
I turn my gaze to the sunset
All red and orange
Streaks of yellow glowing
I turn my heart to the Creator
His eyes are ever on me
Watching me lovingly
When I fall, it’s at his feet
When the Terror comes…
As it always does
To trouble my soul,
I sing a song of great loss
And he hears me.
I mourn the absence of faith, hope and love
The rise of evil,
The uncaring hearts of loved ones.
I grieve for the Humans
Such a splendid idea
And remarkable failure;
The Earth, incredible,
Yet burdened down with our sins.
Rend the Heavens, O Lord, and come down!
Carolyn L. Sorrell Copyright© August 3, 2016 – All Rights Reserved
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